gordon's note infotech nano editor

nano editor

Copy and Paste

cut current line: Ctrl + K
copy a line: ALT + 6 (copy as many lines as you like, and they will be pasted in the order you copied them)
paste the lines: Ctrl + U
Select: ALT + M + A
Copy: ALT + 6
Paste: CTRL + U

Search for text

Searching: Ctrl + W
Repeat the search: Alt + W

Delete lines

  1. First, you need to press CTRL + Shift + 6 to mark the start of your block
  2. Now, shift the cursor to the end of the block with the arrow keys, and it will outline the text.
  3. Finally, press CTRL + K to cut/delete a block and it will remove a line in nano.

ref: Any way to search for text within nano?

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