users and groups of linux

● add a user

# useradd name


# adduser name


# adduser --system --no-create-home --group yourusername

The --system flag (-r) will create a system user – one which does not have a password, a home dir and is unable to login.
Q 1st: --no-create-home is no need?
Q 2nd: --group is for what?

● modify the username of a user:

usermod -l new_username old_username

● To change the password for a user:

# passwd username

● change the shell for a user:

# chsh username

● To change the details for a user (for example real name):

# chfn username

● remove/delete a user

# userdel username

Then to delete the home directory for the deleted user account:

# rm -r /home/username

Bonus: If you want to delete user’s home directory/mails as well

# deluser --remove-home username


# deluser --remove-all-files username

will remove the user and all files owned by this user on the whole system.

● list all the groups

cat /etc/group

● list all the groups of which the current user is a member


● list the members of a group

getent group groupname

● add a user to a specific group use

# usermod -G groupname -a username

● remove a user from a specific group

# gpasswd -d username groupname

● delete a group

# groupdel groupname

#linux #adduser #removeuser #addgroup #removegroup



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