1. 到 https://github.com/prasmussen/gdrive/releases 下載 l […]...
1. 到 https://github.com/prasmussen/gdrive/releases 下載 l […]...
To become root user type: ① sudo -i (same as sudo su […]...
刪除指令 (Ubuntu): sudo certbot delete --cert-name www.your […]...
更新指令 (Ubuntu): sudo certbot renew --quiet --no-self-upg […]...
下載到當前目錄: wget "http://domain.com/directory/4?action=Att […]...
Edit /etc/rc.local file with this command: sudo vim /et […]...
sudo update-rc.d tomcat disable Basically update-rc.d w […]...
mpgtx 可以在 linux 系統中,把 mpg 檔案分割、合併的工具! #linux #ubuntu #m […]...
安裝 ssh server # apt-get install openssh-server 設定檔: /et […]...